Artifact: Relay Box, Environmental Control System (ECS), Ascent Stage, Apollo Lunar Module
Identifier: A20130006
Artifact Category: Spacecraft Hardware
Period of Employment: March 3 1969 to December 14 1972
Manufacturer: Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp (GAEC)
NASA Contract Number: NAS9-1100
Spacecraft/Launch Systems: Lunar Module
Aluminum, Copper, Dow Corning RTV, Stainless Steel
Dimensions: 7.5 x 8 Inches
Weight: 1.68 Pounds
Flight Vehicle System or Component: Environmental Control (ECS)
Program: Apollo
Flown Status: Unflown
Lunar Module Environmental Control System (ECS) Relay Box, housed (4) relay's which command actuated coolant recirculation assembly primary/secondary glycol pumps and returned telemetry of their performance back to servometric indicators to the crew on the LM's control panel. This box was mounted in the Ascent stage aft cabin (vicinity of the electronics bay) adjacent to the ECS system.